The following is a list examples of the types of experiences that are exclusively available to our clientele. Combining any number of these experiences can create a program that is tailor-made to suit your learning requirements. If you have any additional experience suggestions or requirements that is not listed contact us on and our friendly team will assist you in your request.

Experience includes SDG related information

Experience includes educational information

Experience includes an edu-tourism experience


Live Stream

Arts and Crafts Workshops
Uncover your creativity and learn new Arts and Craft skills virtually! We have a range of workshops taught by experts in their field that will provide you with step by step instructions on how to create works of art from home or together at school.
Class experiences include but are not limited to:
- Bees Wax Wraps
- Bread Making
- Indigenous Painting
- Jewellery Making
- Knitting
- Pottery
1 Hour
Min. 20

Amazing Race Virtual Activity
Virtually meet and greet local Australian students then divide up into teams having to follow a map of the city provided, solving clues, and completing challenges along the way with the goal of having your local Australian student being the person first to make it to the final checkpoint! During this activity, you will learn team building skills, learn about Australian culture and learn more about the city you are virtually orienteering throughout.
1-2 Hours
Min. 20

AusID Global Workshop
Ever thought why you are different? You are not! You are just you! Our workshop will teach you how your individual personally traits influence your daily life.
Learn more about your personality, learning capabilities and potential career paths through personality profiling. Is your personality most similar to a playful Kangaroo, sensible Wombat, competitive Eagle, or harmonious Dolphin?
Following this workshop you will be matched with an Australian animal that represents your personality and be provided with a 14 page report that provides you with a greater understanding of who you are and continue with your personal growth.
1-2 Hours
Min. 20

Aussie Home Visit
Virtually experience true Australian culture by participating in an Australian BBQ dinner at a local Australian family’s home. You will immerse yourself in Australian culture, learn some useful Aussie slang, learn about traditional Australian BBQ foods, observe cooking and preparation, and connect with locals through an unforgettable live-stream virtual culinary experience.
1-2 Hours
Min. 10

Australian Butterfly Sanctuary
Virtually experience the largest butterfly flight aviary in Australia, home to over 1,500 butterflies. Meet with a wildlife keeper who will guide you through the facilities providing you with myths and legends, what they eat in addition to learning about their anatomy and wing structure and how they get their beautiful colours.
Virtually tour through the butterfly laboratory where you will gain an understanding of the lifecycle of butterflies and moths, their amazing transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly and have the opportunity to see caterpillars at different stages of development.
1 Hour
Min. 20

Behind the Scenes Experiences
Behind the scenes virtual experiences provide you with specialised information taught by experts in their field in a specific area of interest. You will expand your knowledge, observe and experience a specific industry, and gain first-hand information within a wide range of topics.
Behind the scenes virtual experiences include but are not limited to:
- Australian Farms – e.g. Native Fruit, Sugar Cane, Nuts, Flower, Fruit, Vegetable etc.
- Charity Organisations – e.g. Domestic Animal Rescue, Wildlife Rescue etc.
- Coffee and Tea Production • Coffee Shop
- Food factories
- Ice Cream Making
- Universities / Businesses
- And more…
1 Hour
Min. 20

Cooking Lessons
Enhance your cooking abilities and learn how to cook authentic, traditional Australian food! These lessons will include fun, interactive cooking lessons from a local Australian, the recipe and educational information on Australian ingredients, cooking tips and tricks and the history behind the recipe we are cooking on the day. These can be adapted to include a family or students at a local school. Get your cooking gloves on! E.g. ANZAC Cookies
1 Hour
Min. 20

Daintree Rainforest Observatory Exclusive Sustainability and Rainforest Education
Explore the ‘canopy’ of the world’s oldest rainforest, the Daintree Rainforest, located in Tropical North Queensland.
Listen captivated to the presentations from Daintree Rainforest by our experienced Rainforest Ecologists. You will learn about the different layers of the rainforest, how each layer is essential to the survival of the flora and fauna and be provided with stunning views of the only place in the world where the Rainforest meets the Reef.
2 Hour
Min. 20

English Language Classes
Improve your English Language Skills through our online, live streaming, interactive classroom.
Classes can be focused on specific areas of study and/or interest to ensure your academic goals are met. By using unique educational techniques, Great Barrier Reef Academy makes learning a fun and exciting experience through interactive learning and activities providing you with the ability to maximise your educational outcomes.
1-3 Hour, Half Day, Full Day, Multi Day
Min. 10

Farm Tour
We have a variety of farms whereby we can offer behind the scene virtual tours.
This program includes exploring a true working cattle station where you will have the opportunity to view and learn about farm animals. You will be provided with an informative demonstration on how to milk a cow, crack a whip and take a virtual hayride as you learn more about cattle farming in Australia. More in-depth farming lectures can be added on for school groups.
1-2 Hour
Min. 20

Great Barrier Reef – Marine Biology 1, 2 & 3
Discover the secrets of the amazing Great Barrier Reef!
Marine Biology 1: Direct from the infamous Jamie Seymour, discover the Great Barrier Reef and it’s beautiful unique marine life. Listen mesmerised to his live presentations from the James Cook University Aquarium tanks and interact directly.
Marine Biology 2 & 3: These programs allow you to learn more in depth about the incredible Great Barrier Reef through videos and livestreams by marine biologists
These programs will have a live Q&A session to further understand the largest living structure on Earth.
1-2 Hour
Min. 20

Indigenous Experience
Virtually meet an Aboriginal guide who will teach you about the local Indigenous culture. Your Indigenous guide will introduce you to customs and traditions that are still practiced today in their culture, teach you about traditional ‘bush tucker’, dancing, didgeridoo education including how this instrument is made and art. You will have an opportunity to paint your own Indigenous art! Add on a live opportunity with one of our elders who will entertain you with dreamtime stories or even provide a welcome to country. *Extra cost apply
1 Hour
Min. 20

Interactive Academic Presentations & Virtual Experiences
Have the opportunity to learn from some of the best academics in the world! The duration of each presentation varies, and most can be flexible to suit your needs.
Interactive presentation options include but are not limited to:
- Agriculture
- Aviation Simulator
- Biology & Ecology
- Business
- Endangered Wildlife
- Environmental Sustainability
- Marine Biology
- Marine Bridge Simulator
- Sports Science
- Tourism & Hospitality
- And more…
1 Hour
Min. 20

Like a Local City Tour
Virtually meet and greet local Australian students and experience a live stream virtual tour of Cairns from a local point of view. Our friendly and knowledgeable buddy will provide you with informative and educational information about the history and culture of Cairns. Your tour includes a walk down the famous Esplanade, tour of St. Monica’s Cathedral, outdoor art works, historic buildings, Cairns Pier, and much more.
1-2 Hours
Min. 20

Post-Departure Lesson with Host Australian School
This opportunity allows students to reflect on the amazing study tour they have just completed in Australia and provides them with chance the catch up with the friends they made, online during their Local School Integration Program in Australia. Both groups of students will be asked to prepare a presentation on what they learnt from their cultural interaction with each other and what they will take away most from this experience.
1 Hour
Min. 10

Pre-Arrival Introduction to Host Australian School and/or Host Families
This opportunity allows students to meet with local Australian school students and host families prior to their arrival to Australia. Overseas students, host families and Australian school students are able to get to know one another, ask each other questions and become more comfortable and familiar with who they will be living and studying with when they arrive in Australia. Students will also be introduced to the Aussie Ambassador App, giving them the opportunity to download this and explore the exciting information they will learn about and prepare for some Aussie adventures to conquer, such as trying Vegemite on toast!
1 Hour
Min. 10

School to School Live Streaming Classrooms
Interact with students from local schools, learn about Australian culture and participate in an Australian classroom from your own classroom overseas.
The duration of each classroom activity varies, and most can be flexible to suit your needs. We provide a full cultural experience that can be incorporated into a multiple day or week/s programs.
Class experiences include but are not limited to:
- Arts
- Cookery
- English
- Science
- And more…
1-3 Hours, Half Day, 2-5 Half Days
Min. 20

STEM & STEAM Experiences
Specialised STEM & STEAM programs can be incorporated into any of our programs. Topics might include but are not limited to:
- Aquatic Practices
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Coding
- Earth Science
- General Science
- Lab and Field Techniques
- Marine Biology
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Sensors
- And more…
1 Hour
Min. 20

Straw No More Interview
You will have the extraordinary opportunity to learn from an inspiring person who in 2017, at the age of 9-years-old decided to take on a project that unbeknownst to her would change the world. She started with a mission of ridding every school in Australia of single use plastic straws in tuck shops and canteens. This has now grown to a worldwide campaign. Learn about her journey and why straws really do suck!
15-30 Minutes
Min. 20

Tropical Rainforest and Herbarium Behind the Scene Tour Program
Learn about the Far North Queensland’s Tropical Rainforest features and why its health and flora and fauna are so important not only for Australia but for the world. You will Virtually experience one of the oldest Rainforests on Earth in an amphibious Army Duck where your experienced and knowledgeable guide will teach you about the Rainforest, different medicinal and practical uses for some of the plants. You then experience the exclusive herbarium tour at James Cook University. See the incredible 250 year old specimen from the first voyage.
1.5 Hour
Min. 20

Up Close and Personal Native Wildlife Experience and Wildlife Park Tour
Learn more about Australian native animals. Be virtually guided by an experienced and knowledgeable wildlife keeper who will introduce you to Australia’s unique and diverse wildlife, both big and small.
Discover interesting facts about crocodiles, koalas, kangaroos, wombats, and many more of the diverse wildlife only found in Australia. Virtual meet some of Australia’s native wildlife up close and personal! Watch a crocodile being fed, meet one of the newest additions to the ‘Koala Sanctuary’. Learn more about the habitats, ecosystems, environmental and conservations issues for each of the amazing animals that you meet in addition to so much more.
1-2 Hours
Min. 20

Virtual Group Discussion
Virtual group discussions will provide you with an opportunity to discuss everything you have learnt in your virtual program with other participants enrolled in your program world-wide. These discussions provide you with an opportunity to practice your English, if English is your second language, discuss topics of interest in depth and gain a network of friends and colleagues world-wide.
15-30 Minutes
Min. 20

Waste Management and Recycling Centre Discovery Tour
Have you ever wondered what happens to the plastic you recycle? Learn from experts at an innovative company that is recycling plastics into usable, alternative products such as plywood, fencing, decking and much more. You will virtually tour through their manufacturing plant and learn about the process of breaking down plastics that you use daily into reusable materials.
1-2 Hours
Min. 20